Sunday, April 27, 2008


After receiving various bottles of wine and every wine book or wine gadget known to mankind for Christmas or my birthday over the past 8 years, I figured I'd finally start to write about it. Of course, the perceived level of wine snobbery reaches new heights when one writes about wine as opposed to just drinking it, but I'm prepared to take that risk.

I often get asked "Can you recommend a good wine to give to [fill in the blank] for his/her birthday?". I suppose now I can just direct them to my website! Reflecting on that question, it also occurred to me that I receive similar requests when it comes to new technology/gadgets and cameras/photography, so I figured I might as well cover these areas while I'm at it.

I'm clearly not an expert, and these are in fact pretty much the only things I do know about. I'm over
Facebook and I have some free web space to play with, so here I am.

In case you were wondering, the name Corkmaster isn't exactly self-titled, I've stolen it from one of my favourite Frasier episode where Frasier and Niles find themselves in a wine tasting competition to determine who will be the 'Corkmaster' of their wine club. Check it out...

S7 D3 E5 - Whine Club @ Yahoo! Video